Industry Partner Engagement Toolkit

3.1 Employer Engagement Plan

Tactical plan and approach to employer engagement

Benefits of an engagement plan

Having a yearly employer engagement plan helps you save time, keep portfolio and department teams on the same page, and ensure messaging consistency.

What an integrated employer engagement plan includes:

Communication Channels

What communication platforms, methods or channels will you use to engage and communicate with current and prospective employers?

Employer Audiences

Which employer segments are you attempting to reach with your content and communication channels?

Message Frequency

How frequently will you be messaging employers and through what channel?

Topics and Content

What content will you distribute and how will you deliver that content?

Employer Engagement Events and Campaigns

What events and campaigns do you use to engage employers?

Employer Engagement Calendar

Use a sharable, editable activities calendar to map out dates, events, campaigns and planning workflows.

View CECS’s Engagement Plan

Employer Engagement Plan Workbook

Section 3 Engagement Playbook

3.2 Current Employer Engagement